
Course for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

This week the group of facilitators from evaplan at the University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ( ECDC ), an agency of the European Union, conducted 4 days course on “Methods and tools for public health evidence synthesis/systematic reviews and evidence-based advice with a focus on infectious disease epidemiology, prevention and control”.  The course aims to enable and encourage exchange of good practices for evidence synthesis and development of evidence-based scientific advice and recommendations in public health with a focus on infectious disease epidemiology, prevention, and control between ECDC staff, public health professionals in …

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Vacancy Announcement: Project Finance Management and Gesundheitsökonomie| Stellenausschreibung für Projektfinanzmanagement und Controlling

evaplan GmbH am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg ist ein privates Unternehmen, das Beratungsleistungen, Projektmanagement und – Implementierung, sowie Forschung und Entwicklung von Curricula, Onlinelehre – und Trainings im Bereich Global Health weltweit für ressourcenarme Länder, Schwellenländer und Europa durchführt. Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n MitarbeiterIn für Projektfinanzmanagement und Gesundheitsökonomie (w/m/d) in Teilzeit (80%). Vorbereitende Buchhaltung mit Rechnungsbearbeitung Betreuung der Konten und Überweisungen Interne Budget- und Kostenkontrolle, Liquiditätskontrolle Personalorganisation (Erstellen von Verträgen, Urlaubs- und Anwesenheitsmanagement, Abstimmung mit dem Lohnbüro) Erstellung von finanziellen Angeboten verschiedener Auftraggeber wie GIZ, KfW, EU in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Projektmanagern Vertragsgestaltung, finanzielle Projektabwicklung, Monitoring und Auswertung Zusammenarbeit …

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International Germany Alumni Seminar 2023: Digital Transformation In Global Health

On behalf of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (HIGH) at University Hospital Heidelberg is organising the International Germany Alumni Seminar 2023 “DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN GLOBAL HEALTH” 18 – 23 April 2023, Heidelberg, Germany followed by participation in the DMEA 2023 Europe ́s leading event for Digital Health 25 – 27 April 2023, Berlin, Germany. More information through the Alumni page of HIGH.

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evaplan training & community platform launched

We launched our training & community platform where you can find all our tutored and self-paced eLearning and blended learning courses as well as face-to-face short courses in Social Protection and Social Security, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, Digital Health. Courses are accredited and elaborated in cooperation with the Heidelberg Institute of Global Health. You can sign up and follow our blog, access our library, and join our professional and alumni communities without participating in a course. 

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Global Health Lecture Series – Thursday 19.05.2022

Water Governance, Urbanisation and Climate Change in the Trans-Himalaya presented to you by Dr. Juliane Dame from the South Asia Institute, Department of Geography at Heidelberg University.

Date: Thursday, 19/05/2022

Time: 17:15 – 18:30 h (UTC +2)

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Stellenausschreibung Praktikum

Wir bieten ab August/September eine Stelle für ein/e Praktikant/in (Vollzeit) an für die Mitarbeit in internationalen Projekten.

Bewerbungen (inkl. Anschreiben und Lebenslauf) bitte per E-Mail an:
Prof. Dr. Michael Marx:

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Global Health Lecture Series – Thursday 20 January 2022

Optimizing Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health – Services in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Ghana Experience presented to you by Dr. Gloria J. Quansah Asare who is a Medical Doctor and Public Health Consultant at the Family Health Medicine School, Accra, Ghana.

Date: Thursday, 20/01/2022

Time: 17:15 – 18:30 h (UTC +1)

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The visible Hand – Self-paced e-learning course

This course is focused on the role of economics in dealing with scarce resources and fair allocation of goods and services in health care. It introduces measuring the flow of funds in a health system through different forms of health care financing arrangements. The questions why health care should not be left to the market allocation mechanism and why the government might intervene are discussed.

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Pension Systems – Self-paced e-learning course

This course gives an overview of the general factors of demographic, epidemiological and societal transition with aged-focused developments in life expectancy, mortality, fertility and migration.

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