Training needs assessment and training of hospital directors and department heads of the structures targeted by the PACTES project in a continuous quality improvement process
Location: Guinea | Funded by: Solidarité Thérapeutique & Initiatives pour la Santé (SOLTHIS)
Key objectives:
- To improve the care and respect for the health rights of people living with HIV in Guinea by experimenting with patient-centred care, building the capacity of carers and promoting the rights of health service users.
- Clarify management needs, particularly in terms of quality,
- evaplan trained hospital directors and heads of departments of health facilities involved in the project on the main principles of care organisation, quality management and the implementation of quality improvement strategies or organisational innovations adapted to the context of HIV/AIDS care.
Project description: PACTES stands for the French « Patients au coeur des Traitements et des Soins ». The project is based on the observation that hospital directors and health facility managers are insufficiently involved in the management of the quality and organisation of care within their health structures and in particular in the care of HIV/AIDS, whereas they should be the conductors.