
Improve the quality of services of perinatal health care in Kyrgyzstan

Location: Kyrgyzstan  |  Funded by: GIZ

Key objectives:

  • Development of a demand-driven quality improvement (QI) approach with standard indicators for perinatal/obstetric quality assurance
  • Establishment/support of quality committees in the preparation of QI plans
  • Implementation of the QI plans and strengthening of the performance of QI units
  • Contributing to the development of a national quality approach to perinatal care

Project description: A project to improve the management and support processes of selected facilities in 5 pilot programme regions in Kyrgyzstan. The tasks within the project addressed all elements of a QI system – from QI concepts and plans based on standards, guidelines and corresponding indicators for measurement, through the strengthening of quality mechanisms to implementation and change management via QI and clinical coaching. The capacity development concept considered the involvement of stakeholders at all four levels: system level, network capacity, and organizational and individual capacities.